What do you do?
I'm the chair of our Capital cabinet at the Sylvia center for the arts.
What do you love this area?
What is on the forefront of my mind lately our capacity for change and growth. While we grow, we are creating what the voice, both artistically and socially, of Bellingham will be in the coming years. Ian Bivins is running with the torch at BAAY and his students are writing and devising. Maluhia VanderGriend has her students choreographing their own pieces. Up in Lynden Mijo Buiskool-Price is curating work at the clearspace youth center with teen directors and local writers.
More restaurants are cropping up every couple of months. More breweries, more film festivals, cabarets, painters, and creators. Tim Alexander debuted his new project, WUBWUB. That was kickass. The waterfront is starting to take shape. Lydia Place, DVSAS, and the Lighthouse Mission are expanding their efforts to help as many human beings as they can.
We as a community are creating the culture we want to live in-- that we want our families, our children to live in.